Batch File To Install Application

This time you have to create the code. But I will show you how. Make sure you write down the code in notepad.
Say you file has two lines that are
This is the best instructable ever!
Thanks to Super_Nerd
And you want to put it in the filepath
C:Users Users name goes hereDesktop
You start the code with
@echo off
Otherwise every command would have a C:WindowsSystem 32 in front of it.
Then for every line in the file put
echo data in the line>>filepath
For the filepath involving the username where the username has to be, put
So in our case the code would be
@echo off
echo This is the best instructable ever!>>C:Users%Username%Desktopfile.txt
echo Thanks to Super_Nerd>>C:Users%Username%Desktopfile.txt
Say you want to overwrite a file. To do so just make the >> to an >
> = Overwrite
>> = Add to file
Therefore to overwrite, make the first line have a > and the rest have >>.
See where the code says file.txt? That is the filename. Feel free to change it to whatever you want. If you don't add an extention it turns into a file. Confusing right? A file is a file with no extention, hence you have to choose what to open it with every time.

Nov 23, 2018  Batch script for.exe install. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. I am trying to write a batch script to intall an.exe setup file. My scripting is not good, can anyone give me a helping hand or point me to a good source. On Windows 10, a batch file is a special kind of text file that typically uses a.bat extension, which can include one or multiple commands that Command Prompt can understand and run in sequence. All you need to do is specify the path to the installer file as a command in the batch file. There's no need to make the batch file wait: When a batch file launches a graphical executable directly, it automatically pauses until the application closes. You can also put quotes around a path containing spaces without any worries; the batch file correctly interprets this as the path to a file, unlike the Start command. The StandardInstall.cmd batch file shown in Listing 1 is a complete example of how a PC might be configured completely with freely available applications. Although the application set was selected to demonstrate automatic installation in general, this is a realistic specialty configuration.

Active3 years, 4 months ago

I work at a company and I have to write a script that silently installs applications to thousands of users. I know how to do that but the only problem is this specific application has certain things that have to be selected while in the installation process. Is there any kind of command that allows me to predefine those selections so that the application installs automatically without anyone having to manually enter them? Please and thank you


closed as off-topic by joeqwerty, Reaces, Flup, BillThor , Jenny DJun 14 '16 at 14:41


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Install program using batch file
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2 Answers

It depends entirely on the application.

Some applications have mass deployment toolkits (Office, for example) and some don't. Some have a process where you can generate an answer file for the installer and some don't. Some have undocumented silent install switches and some don't. Some installers extract a slew of .msi files into your local temp as the first part of the install and you can run those. Some don't.

Contact the vendor. If they give you funny looks, you might get lucky throwing command-line switches at an executable (I have, more times than you might expect). If not, you'll likely need to follow joeqwerty's advice above and buy an installer packager.

Katherine VillyardKatherine Villyard

Create Batch File To Install Application

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AutoIt may work. It can do things like click buttons and checkboxes, and fill in fields. It's not the most friendly tool to get up and running, and it's definitely a kluge, but may be worth checking out.

Greg AskewGreg Askew

Batch File To Install Software

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Batch File To Install Application Download

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