Robinson Crusoe Game Rules Pdf

4 years ago

Robinson Crusoe Game Rules Pdf Download


I own Dead of Winter and thoroughly enjoy it. I have played it with my guy friends quite a few times however the theme doesn't interest my wife/sister/girl friends.


Oct 11, 2012  The rules look very interesting and are definitely clear enough to get a good idea of how the game will work. We have a good group of gamers for co-ops so this is a must-buy (I'm probably the 'dumb' player, as you so politely refer to it!). Robinson Crusoe - Rules of Play says: Take on role of one of four characters from the ship crew (cook, carpenter, explorer and soldier) and face the adventure. Use your determination skills to help your team mates, discuss with them your plan and put it into practice. Search for treasures. Discover mysteries.

Looking at Robinson Crusoe it seems to scratch the same itch as Dead of Winter and the theme seems more accessible.


My question is, are they too similar that it would be a waste buying it? I've only been buying games for about 6 months and don't want to overlap too much.

EDIT: Well looks like it's decided. Different games, I'll look at getting Crusoe.

Robinson Crusoe Game By Tivola
