Software Testing Tools Pdf

There are tons of software testing tools available in the market, and with the plethora of choices it becomes difficult to zero in on the best tool for your project. The following list categorizes, ranks and grades the different software testing tools in the market. For each tool - important features, USP and download links are mentioned.

  1. Software Testing Tools Pdf Software
  2. Software Testing Tools Book Pdf
  3. Software Testing Tools Kvkk Prasad Pdf
  4. Types Of Software Testing Tools Pdf

Software Testing Tools Pdf Software

  • Meet the Software Testing Tool to Manage all Your Testing Efforts. TestRail is powerful test management, test execution & results tracking, combined with QA project planning in a single, web-based application. Full integration with dozens of issue and test automation tools.
  • Best Automation Testing Tools for 2019. The demand for delivering quality software faster — or “Quality at Speed” — requires organizations to search for solutions in Agile, continuous.
  • In this course, you will learn basic skills and concepts of Software Testing. Lessons are taught using REAL-LIFE Examples for improved learning. Refer the tutorials sequentially one after the other.
  • There are tons of software testing tools available in the market, and with the plethora of choices it becomes difficult to zero in on the best tool for your project. The following list categorizes, ranks and grades the different software testing tools in the market. For each tool - important.

Following tool categories are covered in this list

Software Testing Tutorial in PDF - You can download the PDF of this wonderful tutorial by paying a nominal price of $9.99. Your contribution will go a long way in. Classification of different types of test tools according to the test process activities: The tools are grouped by the testing activities or areas that are supported by a set of tools, for example, tools that support management activities, tools to support static testing, etc. Software Testing Tools List 1) Open Source Tools a) Test Management tools. TET (Test Environment Toolkit) The goal behind creating the Test Environment Toolkit (TET) was to produce a test driver that accommodated the then current and anticipated future testing needs of the test development community.

Test Management Tool:

These tools help organize the end to end test Cycle

1) Xray

Xray is the #1 Manual & Automated Test Management App for QA. It’s a full-featured tool that lives inside and seamlessly integrates with Jira. Its aim is to help companies improve the quality of their products through effective and efficient testing.

  • Traceability between requirements, tests, defects, executions
  • Define reusable preconditions and associate to tests
  • Organize tests in folders and test sets
  • Test plans for tracking progress
  • Test environments
  • BDD - Write Cucumber scenarios in Jira
  • Integrates with test automation frameworks (Selenium, JUnit, Nunit, Robot, ...)
  • Built-in REST API
  • CI integrations (Bamboo, Jenkins)
  • Built-in reports

2) Testpad

Testpad is a simpler and more accessible manual test tool that prioritises pragmatism over process. Instead of managing cases one at a time, it uses checklist-inspired test plans that can be adapted to a wide range of styles including Exploratory testing, the manual side of Agile, syntax highlighted BDD, and even traditional test case management.
Key features:

  • Guest testers, invited by email, who don’t need accounts
  • Simple enough to use by non-testers; get everyone to help at release time
  • Keyboard-driven editor with a javascript-powered (i.e. responsive) UI
  • Drag'n'drop organisation of test plans
  • Add new tests during testing, as you think of new ideas
  • Lightweight integration with issue trackers, including JIRA

3) Practitest

PractiTest is an end-to-end test management tool. A common meeting ground for all QA stakeholders, it enables full visibility into the testing process and a deeper broader understanding of testing results.


  • A vast array of third-party integrations with common bug trackers, automation tools, and robust API for the rest.
  • Fully customizable & flexible for the ever-changing needs of QA teams: customize fields, views, permissions, issue workflows and more
  • Reuse tests and correlate results across different releases and products.
  • Unique hierarchical filter trees - organize everything and find anything quickly.
  • Never work twice - with anti-bug duplicates, permutations, step parameters and call to test
  • Visualize data with advanced dashboards and reports
  • Fast professional and methodological support

4) TestMonitor

TestMonitor is an end-to-end test management tool for every organization. A simple, intuitive approach to testing. Whether you’re implementing enterprise software, need QA, building a quality app or just need a helping hand in your test project, TestMonitor has you covered.


  • Requirement and risk-based testing.
  • Advanced test case design capable of supporting thousands of cases.
  • Robust planning tools with multi-tester runs and milestone cloning.
  • Comprehensive result tracking.
  • Integrated issue management.
  • Smart reporting with many filter and visualization options.
  • Revolutionary simple UI.
  • Third-party integrations featuring Jira, DevOps, and Slack. REST API included.
  • Professional support with quick response time.

5) TestRail

TestRail is your source for scalable, customizable, web-based test case management. Set up in just minutes with our cloud-based/SaaS solution, or install on TestRail your own server.

  • Efficiently manage manual and automated test cases, plans, and runs.
  • Get real-time insights into testing progress with informative dashboards, metrics, and activity reports.
  • Boost efficiency with milestones, personal to-do lists, and email notifications.
  • Document test cases with screenshots and expected results. Use the flexible built-in templates or create your own custom templates.
  • Integrate with tools in your CI/CD/DevOps pipeline including JIRA, Bugzilla, Jenkins, TFS and more.
  • Enterprise edition designed for large teams & mission-critical projects.
  • Support for Docker containers.

6) IBM Rational Quality Manager

IBM Rational Quality Manger can be used for automation to accelerate project schedules and report on metrics for informed release decisions. It can be used for tracking online test management, maintaining simple online library, tracking engineering releases, customer releases, etc. It is independent of platform, and it enables managing QA project effectively

7) Borland Silk Central

Silk Central allows you to unify all test assets into one easy-to-use planning, tracking, reporting and execution hub. With silk central it is easy to recreate issues they have found.

Main features of Borland Silk Central

  • Insight into test execution with TestBook
  • Create a subscription and generate reports according to your schedule
  • It allows testers to share comments and raise questions by posting comments as they test, directly to TestBook

8) TestLink:

TestLink is a web-based test management tool which facilitates software quality assurance. The tool offers support for test cases, test plans, user management, as well as various types of reports and statistics.


  • Easy export and import of test cases
  • Integrates with many Defect management tools
  • Easy method for assigning test cases to multiple users

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Automated Testing Tools

This category of tools helps automate functional and Regression Testing of your application under test.

9) Squish

Squish is the GUI Test Automation tool of choice for more than 3000 companies worldwide to automate the functional regression tests and system tests of their graphical user interface (GUIs) and Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs). The Squish GUI testing tool, a 100% cross-platform tool, features

  • In-depth support for all major GUI technologies
  • Full support for all desktop, mobile, web and embedded platforms
  • Test script recording
  • Powerful and reliable object identification and verifications (object-based and image based)
  • No dependency on screenshots or visual appearance
  • Powerful integrated development environment (IDE)
  • A wide range of popular script languages for test scripting
  • Full support for Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
  • Full control via command line tools
  • Integrations with Test Management and CI-Systems

10) Ranorex

Over 14,000 users worldwide accelerate testing with Ranorex Studio, an all-in-one tool for cross-platform test automation. Ranorex is easy for beginners with a codeless click-and-go interface, but powerful for automation experts with a full IDE.

Features include:

  • Robust object identification for reliable tests and reduced maintenance
  • Shareable object repository and reusable code modules
  • Cross-browser testing
  • Automates challenging interfaces like SAP, ERP, Delphi and legacy applications
  • Run tests in parallel or distribute on a Selenium Grid
  • Built-in reporting

Ranorex integrates with solutions for BDD, CI/CD, source control, test management, defect-tracking, and more for a complete test automation toolchain

11) Selenium:

Selenium is the most popular automated testing tool. It specifically designed to support Automation Testing of functional aspects of web based applications, wide range of platforms and browsers.


  • It offers the support for parallel test execution that reduce the time taken in executing parallel tests.
  • Selenium needs very lesser resources when compared to other testing tools.
  • Test cases prepared using this testing tool can be executed on any OS
  • It supports the many known programming languages like Java, Python, C#, Perl, PHP, and JavaScript.

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12) QTP:

Quick Test Professional (QTP) is an automated functional GUI testing tool which allows the automation of user actions on a web or client based computer application. It is widely used for functional regression test automation. It uses a scripting language to manipulate the objects and controls of the application under test.


  • QTP allows beginner testers to learn this tool in the few minutes.
  • The tool is very easy to understand. It presents a test case in a simple workflow to the tester.
  • The tool allows complete validation of applications through a full complement of checkpoints

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13) Watir:

Waitr is an open-source cross-platform web application testing tool. It is most reliable and flexible automation tool of Ruby libraries for web browsers automation. This cross browser testing tool interacts with a browser just like human being so it clicks links, filling out forms and validating text.


  • It's a free, so there is no costs to use the tool.
  • This automated testing tool is supported by very active and growing community.
  • It supports multiple browsers on different platforms.
  • It is very powerful and lightweight tool.

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Software Testing Tools Pdf

14) Testim:

Testim is a modern day automated testing tool. It uses machine learning to speed the authoring, execution, and maintenance of automated tests. The tester can be analysis any test case in few minutes and execute them on multiple web and mobile platforms.


  • Easily add annotations to find out what's wrong in the system.
  • Quickly view and share easy-to-understand annotated screenshots using the bug tracker.
  • Developers just need to click the automated bug test to reproduce in the browser automatically.

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15) AppliTools:

Applitools is an automated testing tool which automatically validates the look and feels and user experience of the apps and sites. It is designed is such a way that it easily integrates with the existing tests instead of requiring to create a new test.


  • Allows cross browser test in various devices
  • Provide Interactive visual test reports to the user
  • Robust user access management
  • It is available as a cloud service or on premise

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16) Telerik studio:

Telerik Studio is a software testing tool to test web and desktop applications of all Windows OS. It is a useful tool to test functionality, load and the performance of the web and mobile apps. It also offers a plugin to check Cross-browsing issues.


  • Test Automation for AJAX Applications
  • Native in build Support for the Telerik UI Controls
  • Testing HTML Popups and Browser Dialogs
  • Support for JavaScript Invocation and Logging
  • Allows Continuous Integration use the Build Server

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17) TestComplete:

TestComplete is an automated test management tool which helps to increase efficiency and reduce the cost of the testing process. It's very easy-to-use interface helps QA teams to implement an automation solution in very less amount of time.


  • Support for multiple scripting languages
  • Allows to record robust automated tests without scripting knowledge
  • It offerss easy to test all the web pages of the single site.

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20) CrossBrowser Testing:

Cross-browser testing helps to ensure that website or web application functions correctly in various web browsers. With the help of this tool, it is possible to run parallel automated tests, compare screenshots, and remotely debug real desktop and mobile browsers.


  • Run Numerous Tests on Multiple Devices At One Time
  • Easily run automated tests against real iOS, Androids, & other desktop browsers
  • It allows running testing frameworks like WebDriver.IO, and Nightwatch for superior quality and speed

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21) SauceLabs:

Sauce Labs is a Selenium cloud-based solution that supports automated cross-browser testing. It can perform testing in any OS and platform and browser combination.


  • It is possible to test the web and mobile apps with the highest number of platforms, browsers, and OS combinations.
  • The tool ensures web applications work efficiently with all the latest Android and iOS mobile devices.
  • Run JavaScript unit tests for web apps to make sure that code works in every environment.

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22) Ghostlab:

Ghostlab is a Mac based testing app that allows test out responsive design across a variety of devices and browsers. It is a tool for synchronized browser testing. It synchronizes scrolls, clicks, reloads and form input across all connected clients to test a full user experience.


  • No setup required for installation
  • This mobile testing tool can Synchronised clicks, events and scrolls
  • It provides support for remote debugging for all types of browser

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23) Browsershots:

Browsershots is a cross-browser testing tool allows testing website which is running on Windows, MacOS, Android or iOS. It provides screenshots of a website across 200+ browsers. This tool provides screenshots of websites in a testing environment which is helpful for finding all the major HTML or CSS faults.


  • Browsershots is a completely free tool, and it provides support for 200 different browser versions to capture screenshots
  • Browsers supported range from Arora, Chrome, Dillo, Firefox, Iceweasel, Konqueror, Links, SeaMonkey, and Safari.
  • It allows to disable JavaScript, Change Color Depth, and disable/enable Java and Flash.

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Load Testing Tools

These tools help performance/load test a site or application.

24) Webload:

WebLOAD is an excellent testing tool which offers many powerful scripting capabilities, that is helpful for testing complex scenarios. The tool supports hundreds of technologies from Selenium to mobile, enterprise application to web protocols. It is possible to generate load both in the cloud and on-premise using this tool.


  • Building load test scenarios more easily and efficiently with WebLOAD
  • It helps you identify performance bottlenecks in your system with more than 80 reports types and graphs.
  • Performance Testing can run from the cloud by generating load from Amazon EC2.

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25) Loadrunner:

It is a load testing tool for Windows and Linux, which allows testing the web application efficiently. It helpful testing tool to determining the performance and result of the web application under heavy load.


  • It offers supports for various types of Apps
  • This testing tool can work on several enterprise environments.
  • All the Vusers can be controlled with just a single dashboard.
  • The LoadRunner provide support for several types of protocols.
  • The monitoring and analysis is very user-friendly and easy to grasp.

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26) Wapt:

Wapt is a load, and stress testing tool works for all Windows. It provides an easy and cost-effective way to test all types of websites. It works with the same efficiency on secure HTTPS websites, dynamic content and RIA applications unders very easy to use, and it can extend within that working environment. This test recorder tool allows creating UI tests for the mobile app without writing a single line of the test code.


  • Espresso Workflow Is Simple to Use
  • Less Mobile Testing Flakiness
  • Fast and consistent feedback to developers
  • Developing Espresso test automation is quite easy.

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43) Perfecto:

Perfecto is a SaaS platform that allows app developers to perform web, mobile & IoT software testing. This tool also allows customers to select the deployment options that are best for the specific project.


  • Cloud base mobile application testing
  • It provides support for Agile Environment
  • The tool can integrate with other testing tools like Selenium and Appium

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44) ExperiTest:

Experitest is a quality assurance tools for mobile developers. The tool includes Manual Testing, Performance Testing, and load testing for mobile applications. This testing tool supports all mobile OS, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Blackberry.


  • Create and execute automated tests on simulators or emulators hosted in Experitest data centers
  • Record and play tests, and automatically recorded test to code and use the same test script for different mobile OS.
  • It offers reports with video or Screen HTML-based reporting
  • View mobile apps element structure and generate identifiers with ease

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45) Robotium:

Robotium is an open-source test automation tool mainly use for Android UI testing. It supports both native and hybrid applications. It is possible to perform System Testing, functional testing, and user acceptance testing over Android-based apps with the help of this tool.


  • Record Android UI test cases in minutes
  • Provide support to records from emulators and actual devices
  • Automatically detects resource ID:s
  • Complete support for native and hybrid Android apps


API Testing Tools

These tools help in testing REST/SOAP protocols

46) SoapUI:

SoapUI is a cross-platform free open source functional testing tool for SOAP and REST, written use the Java language. It is primarily used to perform functional and load testing on API.


  • The GUI of the software is easy to handle and use
  • Vulnerability testing feature helps to secure website from hackers and viruses.
  • It is possible to do the detailed analysis using its reporting feature.
  • SQL Injection feature provide some standard SQL queries and methods to identify the weak areas of the application.

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47) SOAPSonar:

SOAPSonar is an Api Testing tool which focuses on reducing the time and complexity to develop and maintain test cases. It supports testing every individual service independently of the client application and yet groups the test workflow for automation. Moreover, the creation and execution of these test cases require no programming or scripting skills.


  • SOAP, XML, and REST service validation
  • Functional Testing with Success Rule Framework
  • Performance Profiling and Concurrent Client Load Testing
  • Web Service Security Testing with Risk Mediation

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48) WebInject:

WebInject is the best Api Testing tool for automated testing of web applications and web services. It can also test individual system components which have HTTP interfaces and can be used to perform automated functional, regression and acceptance tests.


  • HTTP response times can be monitored in real-time at the time of test execution.
  • Combine mobile and desktop GUI tests with web testing
  • Timer statistics are calculated and displayed during the runtime.


49) Tricentis:

Tricentis is an Api Testing tool which helps to manage test cases reduces testing time, manual effort and costs by building up and executing test cases.


  • It offers Autonomous SAP Testing
  • Mature, Robust SAP Test Automation Capabilities
  • Solution Manager Integration

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Security Testing Tools

These tools detect security vulnerabilities in your Application Under Test.

50) NetSparker:

NetSparker is a security testing tool which automatically scans websites, web applications and web services for vulnerabilities. It is the only scanner that automatically identified and verifies vulnerabilities with a proof of concept.


  • Affordable and Maintenance Free Web Application Security Solution
  • It is fully Configurable Online Web Vulnerability Scanner
  • This security testing tool easily Integrate Web Security Scanning In SDLC
  • It supports Enterprise Level Collaboration

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51) OWASP:

The Open Web Application Security Project is known as OWASP is a tool that helps organizations to develop, purchase, and maintain web and software which are reliable and trusted.


  • Verify for Security Early and Often
  • Validate all types of Inputs
  • Implement Identity and Authentication Controls
  • Implement all the appropriate Access Controls

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52) Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner:

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner is the leading security testing tool. It can find various types of security vulnerabilities than any other scanners and displays the fewest number of false positives.


  • Most advanced Cross site scripting testing and in-depth SQL injection
  • Comprehensive scanning of Single Page Applications and JavaScript-based websites
  • Detection of Blind XSS vulnerabilities
  • Automated detection of DOM-based XSS vulnerabilities

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CSS Validator Tool

Software Testing Tools Book Pdf

53) W3C CSS validator:

Software Testing Tools Kvkk Prasad Pdf

It is a free software developed by the W3C to help Web designers and Web developers to check their CSS. With the help of this validation tool. It also helps users to find errors or incorrect uses of CSS.


  • W3C CSS validator recognize many browser extensions and prefixes
  • It includes an integrated web browser. Therefore, websites can be browsed and checked at the same time.
  • It checks for and alerts accessibility issues to prevent people from using that page.

Types Of Software Testing Tools Pdf

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