Ti 84 Plus Game Programs

  1. Buttonz v1.8 is a flash app and ASM program for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition calculator. Send Buttonz.8ck to your calculator using TI Connect and run it by pressing APPS and selecting Buttonz. You can also sent Buttonz.8xp to your calculator and run it with Doors CSE 8 or higher.
  2. Download games for TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84+, TI-89 Titanium, Voyage 200, and TI NSpire graphing calculators. Don’t know how to put the games on your calculator? Try looking at out Transferring Programs to the TI-83+ tutorial or our Transferring Programs to the TI-89 Titanium and TI-84+ tutorial.

To stop a program on your TI-84 Plus calculator while it is executing, press [ON]. You are then confronted with the ERROR: BREAK error message that gives you the option to QUIT the execution of the program.

Ti 84 Plus Game Programs

The control command Stop is added to a program when you want to terminate the program before it reaches the end. It is illustrated in the first two screens here.

Placing the Stop command at the end of a program isn’t necessary. The program automatically terminates execution when it reaches the last command.

This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.

When a program is executed, the output from the program is displayed quickly on the Home screen or in a graphing window. Sometimes it is necessary to pause the program so that the program user has time to view the results of a program output.

The Pause command temporarily suspends the execution of a program so that the user can see the program output. The execution of the program is resumed when the program user presses [ENTER], as in the program in the second screen here.

The program output appears in the following figure. The moving busy indicator in the upper-right corner tells the program user that the program is waiting for the user to press [ENTER] to resume execution of the program.

Because most program users don’t realize that they must press [ENTER] to resume the execution of a paused program, you might want to precede the Pause command in the program with the reminder that the user must “press enter to continue.”

The programming language used by the TI-84 Plus calculator is similar to the Basic programming language. It uses the standard commands (such as the “If …, then …, else …” command) that are familiar to anyone who has ever written a program. And, of course, it also makes use of commands that are unique to the calculator (such as ClrHome, which clears the Home screen).

Ti-84 Plus Games

These are the basic steps for creating a program on the calculator:

  1. To create a new program using the Program editor, press

    This is illustrated in the first screen.

  2. Give your program a name and then press [ENTER].

    The name of your program can consist of one to eight characters that must be letters, numbers, or the Greek letter theta. The first character in the name must be a letter or theta, as in the second screen.

    The A after Name = indicates that the calculator is in Alpha mode. In this mode, when you press a key you enter the green letter above that key. To enter a number, press [ALPHA] to take the calculator out of Alpha mode and then enter the number.

    To enter a letter after entering a number, you must press [ALPHA] to put the calculator back in Alpha mode. Press [2nd][ALPHA] to place your calculator in Alpha-lock mode, which allows you to enter multiple letters without having to press a between them.

    When you press [ENTER] after naming your program, the calculator puts you in the Program editor, as in the third screen. The program appearing in this screen is entered in the next step.

  3. Enter your program in the Program editor.

    Your program consists of a series of commands, each of which must be preceded by a colon, as shown in the third screen. After entering a command, press [ENTER] so the calculator supplies the colon preceding the next command you enter. When you finish writing your final command, press [ENTER] and ignore the colon that is waiting for a command to be entered.

    An example of entering a program appears in the third screen. The program in this screen writes HI on the Home screen. The Disp command is entered by pressing

  4. Press [2nd][MODE] when you’re finished writing your program.

    This saves your program in the memory of the calculator and returns you to the Home screen. The name under which the program is stored in the calculator is the same name you gave the program in Step 2.

Editing a program on the TI-84 Plus

To edit a program stored on the calculator, follow these steps:

  1. Press [PRGM] and the right-arrow key and press the number of the program or use the up- and down-arrow keys to highlight the program you want to edit.

  2. Edit the program.

    Pressing [CLEAR] deletes the line containing the cursor.

  3. Press [2nd][MODE] to save the program and return to the Home screen.


Executing a TI-84 Plus calculator program

After creating your program and saving it on the calculator, you can run the program on the calculator by performing the following steps:

  1. Press [PRGM] to enter the Program Execute menu, and use the down-arrow key to move the indicator to your program.

    This is illustrated in the first screen.

  2. Press [ENTER] to place the program on the Home screen.

    This is illustrated in the second screen.

  3. Press [ENTER] to execute the program.

    This operation is shown in the third screen. When the calculator is finished executing the program, it writes Done on the Home screen.

Deleting a program from the TI-84 Plus calculator

To delete a program from the calculator:

Ti-84 Plus Online Calculator

  1. Press [2nd][+] to access the Memory menu.

  2. Press [2] to access the Mem Mgt/Del menu.

  3. Press [7] to access the Program files stored in the calculator.

  4. If necessary, repeatedly press the down-arrow key to move the indicator to the program you want to delete.

  5. Press [DEL] to delete the program.

    You are asked whether you really want to delete this program. Press [2] if you want it deleted or press [1] if you’ve changed your mind.

  6. Press [2nd][MODE] to exit this menu and return to the Home screen.